Kunstfort Vijfhuizen

All Rays On Us (2021) to be seen in the public park at the back of Kunstfort Vijfhuizen.


Ad de Jong - All Rays On Us (2021)
All Rays On Us (2021)


Start a New Art World (2007) - Boijmans Ahoy drive-thru museum (2020) - collection Boymans van Beuningen - photo Ernst Moritz
Start a New Art World (2007) - Boijmans Ahoy drive-thru museum (2020) - collection Boymans van Beuningen - photo Ernst Moritz

Sluice magazine London – interview by Karl England  Sluice magazine

Amsterdam FM – interview by Robert Altena – Amsterdam FM on All Rays on Us (Dutch) Springvossen

Mister Motley – studio visit by Alex De Vries (Dutch) Mister Motley

Volkskrant newspaper article – interview by Sacha Bronwasser in the series De Bron VK (Dutch) Volkskrant

NPO1 one hour radio – interview by Petra Possel (Dutch) Kunststof

Mister Motley – radio interview by Luuk Heezen (Dutch) Kunst is Lang

Volkskrant – article about the exhibition Speak Memory (2019) at W139 Amsterdam (Dutch) Volkskrant

NRC – review exhibiton World of Earth (2021) at Kunstfort Vijfhuizen (Dutch) NRC Handelsblad


movie link: Your Freedom (2019) at Kennedy van der Laan Amsterdam


the new reach

1 March – 7 April, 2018 at De School Amsterdam
solo exhibition with large scale sculptures by Ad de Jong

curated by Melchior Jaspers and Arthur Steiner

newspaper article Het Parool by Edo Dijksterhuis the new reach (Dutch) at De School
photos the new reach at De School Amsterdam by Niké Dolman

The New Reach ad de jong De School Amsterdam
Spinning Crypto Market (2017) in The New Reach exhibition (2018) - De School Amsterdam - curated by Melchior Jaspers & Arthur Steiner - Ad de Jong - photo Niké Dolman
part of The New Reach exhibition (2018) in De School Amsterdam, The Netherlands - curated by Melchior Jaspers & Arthur Steiner - sculptures by Ad de Jong - photo Niké Dolman
Hermit Palace 2100 (2014) - exhibition the new reach (2018) in De School Amsterdam, The Netherlands - curated by Melchior Jaspers & Arthur Steiner - Ad de Jong - photo Niké Dolman

De Geheime Bunker

2017 – photo series of my two months residency in Arnhem at De Geheime Bunker – Studio Omstand Arnhem